The Surface Hill prospect is located 3.5 km. NNE of Wattle Flat and had been a centre for small scale mining during the 1800’s and 1900’s (11,250 ounces recorded production) with several small pits and a small drive into the hill. Bathurst is the nearest large urban centre and is located 44 km south of the licence area. Compass Resources continued this exploration with soil geochemistry and 28 shallow RC/DDH holes into the vein system.
New Maiden JORC 2012 Inferred Mineral Resource for Surface Hill Prospect yielded 808,000t at 1.09 g/t Au containing 28,300 oz Gold.
Surface Hill southern mineralised stacked quartz veins have a strike length between 240m and 417m with an average vertical depth of 100m. The northern stacked mineralised quartz veins have a strike length between 170m and 235m by an average of 110m vertical metres in depth.
Mineralisation remaining open along directions and at depth.
Mineralisation envelopes of gold vary from 6 m up to 12 m thick. Significant historic gold intersections include:
– Drill Hole CSH02 – 6m @ 1.6g/t Au from 8m
– Drill Hole CSH03 – 8m @ 4.72g/t Au from 8m
– Drill Hole CSH03 – 6m @ 1.94g/t Au from 34m
– Drill Hole CSH14 – 10m @ 1.32g/t Au from 12m